Friday, April 9, 2010

Kurmuk the Town....Part 1

Just a warning....we are not allowed to take pictures in our town... we could be arrested. But I figured it was my last day and I could escape on the helicopter! So here is my village/town of KURMUK Sudan.

These are school children heading home.... They all wear white for certain schools...

Ok... so I had to get rid of some extra candy (L. Holowatyj!!) Thanks! :)

The main Market

one of the shops... on the left is kitchen and house items and on the right seeds and grains

This is where we buy bread.... they all knew Kai quite well as he bought about 15 bread a day!! Those Germans love their bread! (ahem....Uncle Bill!)

This is the area we try to buy veggies.....Onions are the main veg as it grows in any climate... we also can sometimes get - potato's, cucumber, tomato's.

The local water station. You line your bucket up for one of the local youth to fill......

The view as we pull into the Main Market area.... On the left you can see several men at a open window..this is our pop and mango juice supplier... You may be able to see a blue 10gal barrel on the corner of his shop.... that is a communal drinking water barrel... just use the cup provided and grab a drink... no charge...LOL On the right is the water station (see above)...

This is a picture from inside the hospital grounds... I was just dropping of more toys (Thanks Tammy) for the sick children. The building on the right is the main admin building and the place where the Dr or RN will first see the patients. Normally they will arrive by some means (donkey, bike, walk) and will sit under the tree on the left until the Dr can see them.

This is a tukul classroom used by one of the school in town. they also have brick classes but they have too many kids right now. I was there dropping off more school supplies (Thanks Mom, Mike S, Linda)

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