Saturday, May 9, 2009

Week 2 DONE!

Well it's the end of week two of training. This week was only 3/4 full of PowerPoint... Not as bad!

I am now sharing a room with a LT COL and a guy from Mali Africa... Both great guys!

This week was a little more interesting as we learned about Multicultural communication skills - This is something that Toronto EMS should look into teaching. We had a very interesting course on foreign weapons... I can now fully feild strip and reassemble an AK-47 in under 1 minute!! Whoo Hoo!!

UN subjects such as Humanitarian Assistance, Human rights, Law of Armed Conflict, and investigations were completed this week.

The investigation course was run by an associate of mine from Toronto Police...

Ok so here is the interesting stuff. We had to take a course on Conduct after Capture to know what to do if we are kidnapped or taken hostage and how to survivve and gather inteligence. We learned about tactical driving and what to do when in a car and under attack.

The first exercise was a stand exercise for us to be judged on how well we can conduct negotiations... I had an irate farmer who was blocking a major road because the UN had been speeding and killed two of his best goats... (these are actually based on real incidents that have happened). I did well BTW...

We also had our first driving test (standard vehicle). One of the parts of the test was testing your parallel parking skills... I laughed at the amount of space they used... When asked why I was laughing I said bvecause I am from Toronto... We would NEVER get that much space and if we did it would have a bus parked in it..LOL

Yeh.. I passed!

Friday night Todd joined me in Kingston and we went out with the guys to a Pub..can't remember the name... It wasn't to bad... dinner and drinks.. bumped into an old friend Brian at the pub and he and his GF took us to a club called The JOY Club while the rest of my course mates went to some westren bar... WE had a great time as there was a Cuban festival party going on!! Loads of ppl and great music! My course mates had a shit time at a shit bar that had the ugliest people in it!! LOL

Anyhoot... I am off to OTTAWA for the weekend.

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